Ok I enjoyed this one. Shooting scenes with Tigerr Benson is always a pleasure espeically when you get to nudge the boundaries a little bit. For the latest Bound2bMessy film Tethered Tigerr we attached Tigerr to a guide chain via a neck collar, handcuffed her and then made her walk up and down.

Simple enough except when she gets stuck on the guide chain she gets pied. The more she gets pied the more difficult it is for her to see and the more she gets stuck so the more she gets pied (or slimed). Simple but effective. And fun.

One last thing. With all the pies and the slime hitting the floor the slippier it gets and as Tigerr was teetering on stilettos – well lets just say that was an added complication especially bearing in mind Tigerr was tethered by a chain to her neck collar.

As I said, Peril and Pies in perfect harmony.

Tethered Tigerr